
NLA University College in Bergen

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A propos de l'employeur

For more than 45 years NLA University College has been involved in a thorough reshaping of Norwegian undergraduate and graduate education. Our aim is to develop and represent an alternative to the education given by state universities.

We are committed to highly qualified teaching and research, and our exams are approved by the Ministry of Education and Research in Norway as equivalent to those of the state universities. The curricula and the teaching methods of NLA reflect a strong commitment to the education of persons who are able to assess both the academic studies and the current trends and developments in society as a whole. NLA University College is founded on Christian values, but students are not required to have any religious affiliation, nor are they asked about their religious views.

Norwegian Teacher Academy (NLA) was founded in 1966. Its roots are in the Norwegian lay Christian movement, which developed during the 19thcentury. 1st January 2010 we changed our English name to NLA University College. NLA University College is the third largest private university college in Norway. In Bergen, on the West coast of Norway, we have two campuses. 1stJanuary 2013 NLA University College merged with Gimlekollen School of Journalism and Communication and Evangelical Lutheran University College. Gimlekollen is located in Kristiansand, in the south of Norway, while former Evangelical Lutheran University College is located in Oslo, Norway’s capital. The new and larger institution will still be called NLA University College.

NLA University College is owned by the following organizations:

  • The Norwegian Mission Society
  • Norwegian Lutheran Mission
  • NorMission
  • International Fellowship of Evangelical Students Norway
  • Norwegian Sunday School Association
  • Norwegian Inner Mission Association
  • Evangelical Lutheran Free Church

NLA Sandviken

Campus Sandviken is conveniently situated in Sandviken, in the foothill of Sandviksfjellet (Mount Sandviken), a 10 minutes’ bus ride to the north of the city centre.

The campus is small, consisting of one building containing classrooms, administration offices, teachers’ studies, chapel, library and a cafeteria to serve some 800 students a year. NLA Sandviken offers bachelor program in Education and Religious Education, and bachelor and master degrees program in Intercultural Studies.

NLA Breistein

Campus Breistein is located 15 km north of the city center, approximately 40 minutes by bus from downtown Bergen. Breistein offers teacher and pre-school teacher education.

This spacious campus consists of the Learning Building, Teaching Building, Administration Building, “The glass building” and Study Building. Approximately 800 students are studying here. There is a nice canteen and great recreatonal areas.

Localisation de l'employeur

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