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A propos de l'employeur

ESCE, École Supérieure du Commerce Extérieur, is THE Grande Ecole de Commerce Extérieur, founded in 1968 on the initiative of the French Center for Foreign Trade, which has since become Business France.

Today, the school offers its students multidisciplinary courses that makes them experts in international functions, with incomparable employability in a job market open to the world and in a constantly changing environment. Initially based in Paris, the school has also had a Campus in Lyon since 1999.

ESCE has developed real proximity with all forms of companies (large international groups, ETIs, SMEs, start-ups), and strong links with international networks and institutions..

Notre mission est de former nos étudiants au développement international, dans le respect de l’éthique, de la diversité et des cultures, et de les préparer à intégrer avec succès le marché du travail en tant que citoyens engagés de l’économie mondiale.

Christophe Boisseau

Directeur Général

Localisation de l'employeur

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