
Durham College

Plusieurs emplacements Oshawa, Canada
Oshawa, Canada
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A propos de l'employeur

Durham College is committed to a diverse and inclusive campus for all students and employees, regardless of race. We condemn all forms of anti-Black racism and all systems of oppression which deny individuals the right to equitable treatment, access and fairness. We acknowledge that systemic and institutionalized racism serve to limit the opportunities and potential of members of the Black community and Durham College pledges to listen, learn and take actionable steps to ensure equitable and inclusive access for all.

Our commitment to Indigenization

Durham College (DC) recognizes that Indigenization is a continuous process requiring each member of our campus community to actively commit to reconciliation with the goal of building respectful, reciprocal relationships that will contribute to better educational outcomes for all students. Inherent among this commitment is our pledge to uphold the seven principles of the Indigenous Education Protocol for Colleges and Institutes of which DC is a proud signatory.

Localisation de l'employeur

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