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Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization-International Vaccine Centre (VIDO-InterVac)

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A propos de l'employeur

Every year infectious diseases emerge that threaten the health of people and animals and impact the global economy. It is estimated that three diseases emerge annually, and every three years one of them will lead to a larger epidemic.

Outbreaks of pathogens like tuberculosis, Zika virus, and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) regularly make headlines, and the threat of antibiotic-resistant superbugs is an increasing concern. All of this underlines the need to get ahead of these infectious diseases so that we can limit their impact.

To strengthen Canada’s role in responding to infectious diseases, the University of Saskatchewan's Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization-International Vaccine Centre (VIDO-InterVac) works with international partners to study human and animal pathogens and develop solutions.

With 150 interdisciplinary personnel, over $200 million in containment infrastructure, and more than four decades of experience, we develop vaccines and technologies that protect health. 

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