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University of Gothenburg

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A propos de l'employeur

The University of Gothenburg (Göteborgs Universitet) tackles society’s challenges with diverse knowledge. 37 000 students and 6 000 employees make the University a large and inspiring place to work and study, with a continuous flow of new knowledge and ideas. Strong research and attractive study programmes attract scientists and students from around the world. The University of Gothenburg is environmentally certified and works actively for sustainable development. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.

Education at first- and second-cycle level

Students at basic (undergraduate) or advanced (masters) level.

  • Students: 37,296
  • Full-time students: 25,639
  • Degrees awarded: 6 561

Education at third-cycle level

Doctoral-level students.

  • Active research students: 1 854 (59 per cent women)
  • Newly enrolled research students: 288 (60 per cent women)
  • Doctoral degrees awarded: 276
  • Licentiate (midway doctoral) degrees awarded: 34


  • Employees: 5,762 (58 per cent women)
  • Full-time equivalents: 5,138
  • Teaching staff/researchers and doctoral student positions: 2,699
  • Professors: 502
  • Technical/administrative staff: 1,937


  • Direct government funding: SEK 3,700 million
  • External funding and other income: SEK 1,808 million
  • Total income: SEK 5,427 million


  • 381,700 square meters
  • SEK 636 million

Faculty areas

  • Pharmacy, Medicine,Odontology and Health Care Sciences
  • Natural Sciences
  • Arts and Humanities
  • Fine, Applied and Performing Arts
  • Social Sciences
  • Business, Economics and Law
  • Education
  • Information Technology
  • The Board of Teacher Education

Within the Faculties, there are a total of 38 departments.

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