
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP)

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A propos de l'employeur


Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP):

  • Is a plural and tolerant academic community, inspired by ethical, democratic and Catholic principles, with respect to freedom of worship.
  • Offers a civic, humanistic, scientific and comprehensive education of academic excellence.
  • Contributes to enhance knowledge through research and innovation at an international level.
  • Fosters the creation and promotion of culture and art, acknowledging the multicultural nature of our country.
  • Engages in an effective and permanent way with society and its surroundings, acknowledging the diversity in our country and committing to human and sustainable development.


By 2022, our university will:

  • Be an academic point of reference at a national and international level with regards to holistic, multi and interdisciplinary education.
  • Be nationally and internationally recognized thanks to the quality of its research.
  • Be a benchmark due to its active and creative participation in reflecting critically on  current issues and debates addressing possible solutions.


Our University’s core values are as follows:

  • Respect for the dignity of the person, diversity, nature and environment
  • Justice
  • Democracy and inclusion
  • Tolerance and pluralism
  • Solidarity and recognition
  • Honesty and transparency
  • Social responsibility
  • Academic excellence
  • University autonomy

Localisation de l'employeur

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