Université de Liège

PhD position in GW instrumentation

2024-07-31 (Europe/Brussels)
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Precision Mechatronics Laboratory (PML) welcomes applications for a PhD student position in gravitational wave instrumentation. PML is an active member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, and of the Einstein Telescope Collaboration.

It is coordinating several projects, including E-TEST and an ERC consolidator (SILENT). Recently, a full-scale prototype of large cryogenic mirror has been developed by the E-TEST consortium, demonstrating sub-Hertz seismic isolation, and cooling with purely radiative technology. Capitalizing on this experience, the objective of this PhD is to further improve cryogenic instrumentation, vibration control techniques, and validate them on the E-TEST prototype.

The prototype is being permanently installed at the Space Center (CSL) of the University of Liège. University of Liège is a Belgian public university located at the heart of Europe in the cross-border region between the Netherlands and Germany, counting 11 faculties and nearly 30 000 students.

Applicants should hold a Master degree in engineering, physics or equivalent. The position is fully funded for a duration of four years and should ideally start on the 1st of November 2024.

Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a personal motivation letter, and the name of three reference.

Applications should be sent by email to Prof. Christophe Collette (christophe.collette@uliege.be) by the 31st of July. 

For more information:

E-TEST: https://www.etest-emr.eu

Precision Mechatronics Laboratory: http://www.pmlab.be 

Liège Space Center:


University of Liège: https://www.uliege.be/cms/c_8699436/en/uliege

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Détails de l'offre

PhD position in GW instrumentation
Place du Vingt Août 7 Liège, Belgique
Date limite d'inscription
2024-07-31 23:59 (Europe/Brussels)
2024-07-31 23:59 (CET)
Type de poste
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