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Mohammed VI Polytechnic University

MSN - Postdoctoral on novel catalysts for gas effluent valorization processes 13180

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A propos de l'employeur

Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is an institution oriented towards applied research and innovation with a focus on Africa.

Visitez la page de l'employeur

About UM6P:

Located at the heart of the future Green City of Benguerir, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), a higher education institution with an international standard, is established to serve Morocco and the African continent. Its vision is honed around research and innovation at the service of education and development. This unique nascent university, with its state-of-the-art campus and infrastructure, has woven a sound academic and research network, and its recruitment process is seeking high quality academics and professionals in order to boost its quality-oriented research environment in the metropolitan area of Marrakech.

About the Chemical & Biochemical Sciences Green Process Engineering (CBS)

The Chemical & Biochemical Sciences Green Process Engineering Department (CBS) is a component of the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P). The main objective of CBS is to set up a distinctive research-teaching program, of international level, to meet the research and teaching challenges of UM6P, in particular on green and environmental chemistry applied to all aspects of chemical sciences: organic and inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, chemical biology, biochemical and thermal reactions.

Research at CBS is organized around several major areas, which aim to answer challenging industrial questions, from complex chemical and biochemical reactions to scale-up and validation of process engineering. CBS projects aim at an in-depth understanding of the molecular mechanisms of all transformations in order to propose new original alternatives in terms of efficiency, environmental friendliness and sustainability.

Job description

As part of our laboratory's research projects, we are conducting innovative research on the valorization of industrial gas effluents into high-value products, such as biofuels and chemicals. This project focuses on developing and optimizing advanced catalytic systems for sustainable processes. We are seeking a highly motivated candidate to work on developing new catalysts and their application in reactions such as hydrogenation, depolymerization, or the thermal and chemical conversion of lignocellulosic biomass.

Main Responsibilities:

  • Synthesis, characterization, and optimization of solid-base catalysts.
  • Conduct application tests to evaluate catalytic performance.
  • Study of the reaction mechanisms involved in biomass valorization processes.
  • Analyze products using advanced techniques (GC-MS, HPLC, FTIR, etc.).
  • Write scientific reports, and research articles, and participate in conferences.

Candidate profile

  • PhD degree in Materials Science, Chemical Processes, or another suitable engineering discipline.
  • Knowledge in heterogeneous catalysis 
  • Experience in process engineering
  • Knowledge in advanced structural characterizations will be valued.
  • Familiar with risk assessment and safe working procedures in a chemical laboratory.
  • Excellent communication skills (oral and written) in English.
  • Good publication track record in peer-reviewed journals.
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a multidisciplinary and multicultural team.
  • Ability in co-supervision and coordination of master students.

Candidature Submission:

Applicants should submit:

  1. Cover letter outlining research experience, and achievements and stating research interests.
  2. Curriculum Vitae.
  3. List of publications.
  4. Name and contact information of at least two referees.
  5. Recommendation letter.

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Détails de l'offre

MSN - Postdoctoral on novel catalysts for gas effluent valorization processes 13180
Lot 660, Hay Moulay Rachid Ben Guerir, Morocco Benguerir, Maroc
Date limite d'inscription
Type de poste
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A propos de l'employeur

Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is an institution oriented towards applied research and innovation with a focus on Africa.

Visitez la page de l'employeur

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