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Mohammed VI Polytechnic University

CBS - Postdoctoral Positions in Process Systems Engineering (12098)

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A propos de l'employeur

Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is an institution oriented towards applied research and innovation with a focus on Africa.

Visitez la page de l'employeur

About UM6P:

Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is an institution dedicated to research and innovation in Africa and aims to position itself among world-renowned universities in its fields
The University is engaged in economic and human development and puts research and innovation at the forefront of African development. A mechanism that enables it to consolidate Morocco's frontline position in these fields, in a unique partnership-based approach and boosting skills training relevant for the future of Africa.
Located in the municipality of Benguerir, in the very heart of the Green City, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University aspires to leave its mark nationally, continentally, and globally.

About the Chemical & Biochemical Sciences Green Process Engineering (CBS)

The Chemical & Biochemical Sciences Green Process Engineering Department (CBS) is an entity of the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P). The main objective of CBS is to set up a distinctive research-teaching program of international level, in order to meet the research and teaching challenges of UM6P, in particular on green and environmental chemistry applied to all aspects of chemical sciences: organic and inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, chemical biology, biochemical and thermal reactions. 

Research at CBS is organized around several major areas, which aim to answer challenging industrial questions, from complex chemical and biochemical reactions to scale-up and validation of process engineering. CBS projects aim at an in-depth understanding of the molecular mechanisms of all transformations in order to propose new original alternatives in terms of efficiency, environmental friendliness and sustainability.

Job Description

CBS is looking for a post-doctoral fellow in process systems engineering, and particularly in modeling, simulation and optimization of the phosphate value chain processes.

In terms of research, the candidate will reinforce the team of the CBS department. His/her experience and expertise should enable him/her to contribute and pursue research activities on industrial subjects relating to chemical phosphate manufacturing processes.

The candidate will also participate in the supervision of internships, projects and practical work related to the above-mentioned scientific fields. He/she will play an active role in the life of the program, organizing seminars, workshops and conferences related to the chemical and Process Engineering stream.

The candidate will also be expected to participate in UM6P's collective projects and external missions, and to provide support to students (PhD and Master), i.e., supervision for the writing of reports, dissertations and end-of-study papers.


  • Expertise in the following fields:
  • Chemical and process engineering.
  • Modeling (first-principles and data-driven models), simulation and optimization methods.
  • Programming languages, i.e. Python, Matlab, ...
  • Level of experience evidenced by publications in peer-reviewed journals.
  • Fluent in French and English.
  • Experience of working as a member of a multidisciplinary team.
  • Ability to write publications, reports and projects.
  • Oral and written communication skills.

Candidate Criteria

  • Ph.D. in Chemical engineering or a related field.
  • Extensive experience in unit operations and chemical processes.
  • Ability to conduct experiments.
  • Experience in using both steady-state and dynamic modeling, simulation and optimization tools, e.g. Aspen, Pro/II, GAMS, gProms...
  • Ambitious, curious, autonomous, and open-minded person.
  • A proven track record of research publications in reputable peer-reviewed journals.
  • Exceptional communication skills aligned with UM6P's emphasis on knowledge dissemination and impactful outreach.
  • Demonstrate an aptitude for teamwork.

Application and Selection

The application folder must contain:

  • Detailed CV,
  • Cover letter along with a synthetic presentation of the background, research works, projects and activities, publications, key achievements,
  • 3 reference letters.

Duration 2 years.


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Détails de l'offre

CBS - Postdoctoral Positions in Process Systems Engineering (12098)
Lot 660, Hay Moulay Rachid Ben Guerir, Morocco Benguerir, Maroc
Date limite d'inscription
Type de poste
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A propos de l'employeur

Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is an institution oriented towards applied research and innovation with a focus on Africa.

Visitez la page de l'employeur

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