Ifremer - French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea

Post-doctoral position in ecotoxicology/environmental toxicology (M/F)

2024-10-14 (Europe/Paris)
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Deadline for applications: October 14th

The National Institute for Ocean Science (Ifremer) is an integrated marine sciences research institute, which contributes to national research and innovation, as well as to the European research landscape. As such, IFREMER produces:

  • basic knowledge using a systemic approach that aims to better comprehend the processes that govern ecosystems and understand the changes that affect them;
  • targeted research results to provide answers to society’s questions based on its capacity for observation, monitoring, and assessment.

IFREMER dedicates its efforts to high-quality research founded on diverse disciplines and topics by drawing on its partnerships with universities and research institutes. It is also the driving force on the international and European levels behind joint programming initiatives, targeting research or infrastructures (fleets, observatories, databases).

The Chemical Contamination of Marine Ecosystems (CCEM) research unit is located at Ifremer's Nantes Atlantique Center and is attached to the Biological Resources and Environment Department (RBE). The Unit develops scientific knowledge on the dynamics and biological effects of chemical contaminants in marine ecosystems. Its work contributes to assess the chemical pressure of anthropogenic origin, enriches expertise in support of public policies and ultimately assesses the chemical quality of marine ecosystems. 

The activity and the production of scientific knowledge of the Unit are guided by:

  • the spatio-temporal dynamics of historic and emerging metallic and organic contaminants in sediments, seawater and marine organisms in a Land-Sea continuum context,
  • the study of the transfer of chemical contaminants and their biological effects at the level of individuals, populations and through marine food webs. 

This research work in marine Biogeochemistry and Ecotoxicology contributes to the characterization of the marine chemical exposome and its biological effects. It supports the development of observation systems and chemical risk assessment methodology also carried out within the Unit. The data resulting from this work thus enables France to meet the requirements of the European WFD and MFSD directives (Descriptor 8). The Unit also contributes via its national experts to the working groups of the two Regional Sea Conventions: OSPAR (Atlantic) and Barcelona (Mediterranean) as well as ICES groups, NORMAN network, and is a member of the national reference laboratory for the monitoring of aquatic environments Aquaref. 

Under the Horizon Europe project CONTRAST, the postdoctoral researcher in ecotoxicology/environmental toxicology will develop fish hepatocyte 3D systems for assessing the metabolism and toxic effects of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs).

The recently funded CONTRAST project will advance understanding on the properties, occurrence, fate and effects of the most relevant CECs in the marine ecosystem and deliver solutions for efficient integrated assessment and effect-based monitoring of marine environments. https://www.contrastproject.eu/ 

General areas of responsibility 

New approach methodologies (NAMs) have emerged in recent years as promising tools to quickly acquire information on chemical contaminants with limited data, while reducing the reliance on animal testing. Although widely developed in toxicology for certain animal classes (mammals, freshwater fish, model invertebrates), in vitro approaches (cell culture) remain very limited for marine fish, despite growing interest in recent years for this type of approach. In mammals, 3D models (spheroids) have proven to be more biologically relevant than 2D cultures (cell-cell interactions, extracellular matrix) for improving our understanding of the metabolism and toxic effects of xenobiotics. In fish, we are still at the stage of morphological and functional characterization, and to our knowledge, 3D models have not yet been developed for marine fish. These innovative 3D models, coupled with recent “omics” technologies, open new avenues for studying the mechanisms of pollutant toxicity. These untargeted analysis strategies provide an integrative view of molecular processes interacting at various levels, without initial hypotheses regarding expected changes in an organism under stress. 

The post-doctorate project objectives are to:

  1. Develop and characterize 3D hepatic cellular models in a marine species of ecological and commercial interest, the European seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax;
  2. Use this innovative model to provide novel information on the metabolism and toxicity of selected CECs in this marine species. 

The project will address the following questions: 

  1. Do 3D hepatic cellular models exhibit superior metabolic capabilities compared to 2D cultures?; 
  2. What are the mechanisms of toxic action of selected CECs?; 
  3. Can omics tools be used to identify early exposure markers to CECs in a marine fish, the European seabass?
    • Develop 2D and 3D (spheroids) primary cultures of sea bass hepatocytes 

Principal activities 

The successful candidate will:

  • Determine the optimal growing conditions (cell culture medium composition, temperature, etc.)
  • Perform the morphological/functional characterization and comparison of 2D and 3D cell cultures
  • Conduct exposures of hepatic cell culture to CECs, including exposure to chemical mixtures
  • Develop and perform assays for analyzing cellular and molecular biology (e.g. plate assays, fluorescence microscopy analysis for the expression of cell markers, flow cytometry, omics, etc.)
  • Use this innovative model to provide novel information on the metabolism and toxicity of CECs in this marine species 
  • Disseminate project outputs and activities 
  • Contribute to the Horizon Europe project deliverables regarding the post-doctorate activity
  • Publish project results in high-quality scientific journals
  • CCEM Unit, Palavas Experimental Aquaculture Research Station
  • CONTRAST project partners (https://www.contrastproject.eu/)

Collaborative work environment

  • Internal collaborative relationship
  • External collaborative relationship

Profil recherché

PhD in ecotoxicology/environmental toxicology (obtained 3 years ago maximum).

Required knowledge, skills and characteristics

  • Knowledge, skills and abilities


  • Proven competency in primary cell culture techniques
  • Experience with developing and performing assays for analyzing cellular biology (e.g. plate assays, flow cytometry, fluorescent microscopy, etc.) 
  • Ability to design, plan and conduct laboratory experiments, including chemical exposure experiment
  • Strong statistical knowledge for data analysis and interpretation
  • Experience assessing the metabolism and/or toxic effects of contaminants
  • Fluency in English (both oral and written) and effective communication skills for presenting at scientific conferences


  • Experience with: 
    • Fish cell culture and knowledge of cell metabolism
    • 3D cell culture
    • Omics approaches (transcriptomics, proteomics and/or metabolomics)
    • Confocal microscopy
  • Human qualities
  • Personal initiative and great organisation skills
  • Professional rigour and autonomy
  • Good team-working skills
  • Interest in collaborative projects (international partners)

Informations utiles

  • Localisation Nantes - 44, France - zone de déplacement : internationale
  • Contrat CDD - 18 mois
  • Salaire Non défini
  • Niveau de qualification Ingénieur/Cadre/Bac +5
  • Expérience - 1 an, 1 à 7 ans
  • Modalités de travail Temps complet
  • Fonction Bureau d'Etudes/R&D/BTP archi/conception, Ingénierie - Chimie/Pharmacie/Bio.
  • Secteur Secteur Energie/Environnement
  • Télétravail Occasionnel

Specific working conditions

Fixed-term contract of 18 months

The position will be based in Nantes, with frequent travel to Palavas-les-flots expected (Palavas Experimental Aquaculture Research Station, Occitanie, France)

Qui sommes nous ?

Ifremer 1625 route de Sainte Anne • 29280 Plouzané • France

The Institute

A pioneer in ocean science, IFREMER's cutting-edge research is grounded in sustainable development and open science. Our vision is to advance science, expertise and innovation to :
- Protect and restore the ocean
- Sustainably use marine resources to benefit society
- Create and share ocean data, information & knowledge.

With more than 1,500 personnel spread along the French coastline in more than 20 sites, the Institute explores the 3 great oceans: the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific oceans. A leader in ocean science, IFREMER is managing the French Oceanographic Fleet and its dedicated scientists create ground-breaking technology to push the boundaries of ocean exploration and knowledge, from the abyss to the atmosphere-ocean interface.

Well-established in the international scientific community, our scientists, engineers and technicians are committed to advance knowledge about our planet's last unexplored frontiers. They provide the science we need for informed decision-making and public policy and they transfer this knowledge and technology to businesses to fulfill public and private needs. Core to our mission is also to strengthen public awareness about the importance of understanding the ocean and its resources, and empowering future generations of leaders through education and outreach national campaigns.

Détails de l'offre

Post-doctoral position in ecotoxicology/environmental toxicology (M/F)
44311 Cedex 03, Rue de l'Île d'Yeu Nantes, France
Date limite d'inscription
2024-10-14 23:59 (Europe/Paris)
2024-10-14 23:59 (CET)
Type de poste
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L'Ifremer contribue, par ses travaux et expertises, à la connaissance des océans et de leurs ressources, à la surveillance du milieu marin et du li...

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