Ifremer - French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea

PhD : LOCal adaptation of the toxic dinoflagellate ALexandrium minutum (LOCAL) (M/F)

2024-10-01 (Europe/Paris)
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The deadline for applications is October 1st, 2024.

DYNECO (Dynamics of Coastal Ecosystems) research unit works on coastal ecosystem evolution in response to natural and anthropic perturbations. It conducts scientific and expert assessment activities in this field aiming to understand, model and predict 1) mater fluxes in the land-sea continuum, and 2) spatial and temporal biodiversity dynamics. The approaches involve observation, experimentation and modeling.

Within DYNECO, the PELAGOS laboratory focuses on coastal pelagic ecosystems. The laboratory works on the biogeochemical fluxes at the interfaces and the dynamics of costal phytoplankton communities, with a special focus on harmful algal blooms. The laboratory brings together chemists, biogeochemists and biologists. 


Shellfish are amongst the most durable animal protein food source. However, sustainable shellfish production is hampered by several factors, including the bioaccumulation of toxins produced by phytoplankton species such as Alexandrium minutum. Due to their extensive dispersal abilities in the marine environment, phytoplankton species are expected to display homogeneous populations worldwide. Yet, strong spatial genetic structure is extremely common. You will investigate whether this strong spatial genetic structure may be explained by local adaptation to contrasting environmental conditions. Local adaptation is rarely investigated in phytoplankton, yet it may be key to better understand the development of toxic species in the context of climate change. Using populations developing in Brittany (France) and Galicia (Spain), you will: 1. Analyse long-term monitoring series to identify the environmental conditions associated with A. minutum development in the two ecosystems; 2. Determine the functions of the genes belonging to genomic regions displaying extensive inter-population divergence; 3. Characterize the functional divergence between populations using in vitro experiments. 

Key words

Harmful Algal Blooms, Population and Functional genomics, Functional diversity, Local adaptation, Ecology

Profil recherché

  • Master’s degree in biodiversity, ecology, evolution and/or oceanography. 
  • Interest to use both command-line based tools (statistical modelling, bioinformatics) and experimental approaches to investigate the functional aspects of phytoplankton intraspecific diversity. 

Informations utiles

  • Localisation Plouzané - 29, France - zone de déplacement : internationale
  • Contrat CDD - 3 ans
  • Salaire 2300,00 EUR par mois
  • Niveau de qualification Ingénieur/Cadre/Bac +5
  • Expérience - 1 an, 1 à 7 ans
  • Modalités de travail Temps complet
  • Fonction Bureau d'Etudes/R&D/BTP archi/conception, Ingénierie - Chimie/Pharmacie/Bio.
  • Secteur Secteur Energie/Environnement
  • Télétravail Occasionnel

Specific working conditions

PhD is a real opportunity to work on Ifremer's scientific and technological priority themes. It entitle the holder to a gross monthly salary of 2300 euros gross for a period of 3 years, which cannot be combined with other scholarships.  

This PhD position is based in the Pelagos laboratory (Plouzané, France) and will include short stays in the “Harmful algae and plankton ecology” group, at the Oceanographic Center of Vigo (Spain).

How to apply for this position 

Your application file must include:

  • a curriculum vitae 
  • a cover letter
  • a reference letter
  • an academic transcript (Bachelor + Master 1 and first semester Master 2) 

Your application must be compiled into up to 2 PDF files. 

The deadline for applications is October 1st, 2024. Nevertheless, we strongly urge you to let us know stas soon as possible of your intention to apply, by contacting the subject supervisor: Mickael Le Gac

In paralell, please submit your application to the doctoral school : EDSML (https://ed-sml.doctorat-bretagne.fr)

Doctoral students' contracts will start as of January 1st, 2025, subject to the submission of administrative documents authorizing Ifremer to recruit the doctoral student (certificate of completion of the Master 2 or engineering degree + visa for foreign doctoral students outside the EU).

Qui sommes nous ?

Ifremer 1625 route de Sainte Anne • 29280 Plouzané • France


Reconnu dans le monde entier comme l’un des tout premiers instituts en sciences et technologies marines, l’Ifremer s’inscrit dans une double perspective de développement durable et de science ouverte. Il mène des recherches, innove, produit des expertises pour protéger et restaurer l’océan, exploiter ses ressources de manière responsable, et partager les connaissances et les données marines afin de créer de nouvelles opportunités pour une croissance économique respectueuse du milieu marin.

Présents sur toutes les façades maritimes de l’hexagone et des outremers, ses laboratoires sont implantés sur une vingtaine de sites dans les trois grands océans : l’océan Indien, l’Atlantique et le Pacifique. Pour le compte de l’Etat, il opère la Flotte océanographique française au bénéfice de la communauté scientifique nationale. Il conçoit ses propres engins et équipements de pointe pour explorer et observer l’océan, du littoral au grand large et des abysses à l’interface avec l’atmosphère.

Ouverts sur la communauté scientifique internationale, ses 1500 chercheurs, ingénieurs et techniciens font progresser les connaissances sur l’une des dernières frontières inexplorées de notre planète ; ils contribuent à éclairer les politiques publiques et à l’innovation pour une économie bleue durable. Leur mission consiste aussi à sensibiliser le grand public aux enjeux maritimes.

Détails de l'offre

PhD : LOCal adaptation of the toxic dinoflagellate ALexandrium minutum (LOCAL) (M/F)
1625 Route de Sainte-Anne Plouzané, France
Date limite d'inscription
2024-10-01 23:59 (Europe/Paris)
2024-10-01 23:59 (CET)
Type de poste
Enregistrer le travail

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