Aix-Marseille Université

Annual Call (2025-2026) for Application at IMéRA Aix-Marseille Université

2024-10-21 (Europe/Paris)
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For the year 2025-26, the Aix-Marseille Institute for Advanced Study (Iméra) is opening 9 resident fellowships of 5 or 10 months, dedicated to scientists and/or artists. Among these, the Fulbright / Iméra Chair on Migration Studies has a separate call, which closes on September 16, 2024.

These fellowships positions are distributed across 4 programs: “Arts & Sciences: Indisciplined Knowledge“, “Interdisciplinary Explorations“, “Mediterranean“, and “Necessary Utopias“.

General Information

For preparing your application and learning about the conditions of the residency, please ensure you read the PDF document attached to this homepage as well as the information on the research program(s) to which the residency you are interested in is attached (accessible via the Fellowships section below).

General call for applications Iméra 2025-2026Download

Any interested artist and/or scientist may apply for only one position among those offered above. Applicants who are former Iméra residents may reapply at least 5 years after their initial research stay.


Among the proposed themes, the list is not exhaustive, but highlights unavoidable concepts and/or subjects that characterize the chairs. Other research themes may of course be proposed in your application, as long as they are related to the chair’s topics.


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Albert Hirschman: Identity Passions between Europe and the Mediterranean — Sciences Po Aix / Iméra Chair

Period : 5 months - From 09/02/2026 to 03/07/2026

Profile : Academic

Program : Mediterranean

Themes : Crossed perspectives between Europe and Mediterranean cultures, Reformulation of social orders, Social realities

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ILCB / Iméra Chair – Language, Communication, and the Brain

Period : 10 months - From 01/09/2025 to 03/07/2026, 5 months - From 01/09/2025 to 30/01/2026, 5 months - From 09/02/2026 to 03/07/2026

Profile : Academic

Program : Interdisciplinary explorations

Themes : Language pathologies, Mathematical modeling, Neural and cognitive dynamics of language and conversation, Origins of animal and human language

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Sustainable Development and Interdisciplinarity – IRD/Iméra Chair

Period : 10 months - From 01/09/2025 to 03/07/2026

Profile : Academic

Program : Interdisciplinary explorations

Themes : A world in flux, Agriculture, Cities and urbanization, Climate change, Conservation of continental and marine biodiversity, Development, Epistemology, Fishing, Food security, Health, Inequalities, Labour, Land-use change, Mobility, Pollution, South/South exchanges, Sustainable development, Transformation of ways of life

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Transregional Studies — EHESS / Iméra Chair

Period : 10 months - From 01/09/2025 to 03/07/2026, 5 months - From 01/09/2025 to 30/01/2026, 5 months - From 09/02/2026 to 03/07/2026

Profile : Academic

Program : Necessary utopias

Themes : Areal studies, Circulation, Comparisons between cultural areas, Connections, Difference in scales, Echanges, Experimental writing in humanities and social sciences, Migrations, Mobility, Reformulation of social orders, Sensitive / alternative cartography, Social realities, South/South exchanges, Transregional studies

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Germaine Tillion – Tomorrow, the Mediterranean – Région Sud / Iméra Chair

Period : 10 months - From 01/09/2025 to 03/07/2026, 5 months - From 01/09/2025 to 30/01/2026, 5 months - From 09/02/2026 to 03/07/2026

Profile : Academic

Program : Mediterranean

Themes : A world in flux, Agriculture, Anthropocene, Cities and urbanization, Climate change, Conservation of continental and marine biodiversity, Fishing, Food security, Health, Land-use change, National, political, religious and identity movements, New generations in the Mediterranean, Pollution, Social and democratic movements, Sustainable development, Transformation of ways of life

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Research-Creation in Cancerology and Immunology – ICI/Iméra Chair

Period : 10 months - From 01/09/2025 to 03/07/2026

Profile : Academic, Artistic

Program : Arts & Sciences - Indisciplined knowledge, Interdisciplinary explorations

Themes : Epistemology, Health, Oncology-immunology, Relations between artistic practices and clinical and/or scientific practices, Social representations of cancer, Therapeutic use of artistic practices

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Mucem / Iméra Residency

Period : 5 months - From 01/09/2025 to 30/01/2026

Profile : Academic, Artistic

Program : Arts & Sciences - Indisciplined knowledge, Mediterranean

Themes : Artistic intervention in a heritage site, Comparisons between cultural areas, Connections, Crossed perspectives between Europe and Mediterranean cultures, Echanges, Ethnographic fieldwork, Experimental writing in humanities and social sciences, Invention of the Mediterranean, Mediterranean cultures, Migrations, Musée de l’Homme (Paris), Museography, Museum of society, National, political, religious and identity movements, New generations in the Mediterranean, Popular reappropriations, Sensitive / alternative cartography, Transformation of ways of life, Transregional studies

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A world in crisis — AMSE/Iméra Chair

Period : 10 months - From 01/09/2025 to 03/07/2026, 5 months - From 01/09/2025 to 30/01/2026, 5 months - From 09/02/2026 to 03/07/2026

Profile : Academic

Program : Necessary utopias

Themes : A world in flux, Big Data, Development, Echanges, Historical perspectives on growth, Inequalities, International trade, Networks, Sustainable development
Participate in an Intercultural, International and Interdisciplinary Context

Residing at Iméra means immersing yourself in a bilingual environment open to Francophone culture and, more broadly, to interculturality in the unique context of Marseille, a historical melting pot and a “refuge city”, “port city”, “transit city”, “Mediterranean city”, etc. It also means taking the time to discover the research of other residents and potentially experimenting with new forms of collective intelligence that blend methods, subjects, and disciplines. Scientific activities are led by program directors who form a four-person scientific team. Mostly professors and researchers, they support residents throughout their stay and ensure interactions with the Iméra scientific community and the local academic site.


  • An active knowledge of French and/or English (written and spoken) is essential. Linguistic skills in both languages are desirable due to the bilingual context of Iméra: for example, weekly seminars (see below) are held in both languages. Laureates who are not fluent in French are encouraged to familiarize themselves with it during their stay, if not beforehand.

The application can be written in English or French.

In the interest of research internationalization, just as the local scientific and cultural community should benefit from the methodological traditions brought by the residents, the latter should also benefit from the numerous expertise present on site, where most disciplines are represented. For these reasons, candidates must be based abroad and submit a project that maximizes the resources available on-site (around a hundred laboratories, various archives, a vibrant cultural and associative life, etc.). It is highly recommended to identify key local resources related to the research theme beforehand, mention them in the project, and outline the envisioned modes of collaboration.

Candidates commit to participating in the scheduled activities with other residents and the Iméra scientific team. The Community Building Seminar (CBS) is one of the central activities, held each week (all day Thursday). The time investment amounts to one day per week in total.

Links to online resources:

List of interdisciplinary establishment institutes of Aix-Marseille University:

CESAM – The Map of Scientific Skills & Equipment of Aix-Marseille:

List of the 114 research units of Aix-Marseille University:



  • Application deadline: Monday, October 21, 2024, at 1 pm (CET+2)

Residency periods:

  • Duration of the residency: 5 or 10 months between September 2025 and July 2026
  • 10-month residency: from September 1, 2025 to July 3, 2026
  • 5-month residency in the first semester: September 1, 2025 to January 30, 2026
  • 5-month residency in the second semester: from February 9, 2026 to to July 3, 2026

Publication of selection results: early February 2025

Détails de l'offre

Annual Call (2025-2026) for Application at IMéRA Aix-Marseille Université
Jardin du Pharo 58, bd Charles Livon Marseille, France
Date limite d'inscription
2024-10-21 23:59 (Europe/Paris)
2024-10-21 23:59 (CET)
Économie agricole, , Science animale, , Science agronomique, , Science de l'environnement, , Protection des plantes et santé animale, et 208 supplémentaires Gestion des déchets, Science de l'eau, Anthropologie linguistique, Archéologie, Anthropologie biologique, Anthropologie culturelle, Ethnologie, Anthropologie historique, Anthropologie médicale, Anthropologie sociale, Architecture, Design de communication, Design graphique, Architecture paysagère, Design urbain, Études cinématographiques, Beaux-Arts, Musique, Arts de la scène, Arts visuels, Biologie animale, Bioinformatique, Recherche en cancérologie, Écologie, Biologie humaine, Neuroscience, Intelligence artificielle, Réseau de neurones artificiels, Big Data, Informatique et société, Informatique dans les sciences sociales, les arts, les lettres et les humanités, Interactions homme-machine, Informatique, Sciences de l'information, Économie comportementale, Économie d'entreprise, Éthique commerciale, Économie du développement, Géographie économique, Histoire économique, Psychologie économique, Sociologie économique, Économie énergétique, Entrepreneuriat, Économie environnementale, Économie de la santé, Théorie du développement humain, Gestion des ressources humaines, Études comparatives du travail et aspects internationaux, Économie internationale, Économie du travail, Logistique, Gestion, Microéconomie, Gestion de projet, Économie publique, Gestion du risque, Économie du tourisme, Économie du transport, Économie du bien-être, Éducation des adultes, Éducation artistique, Éducation comparée, Leadership éducationnel, Politique de l'éducation, Théorie de l'éducation, Enseignement supérieur, Enseignement des sciences humaines, Enseignement international, Enseignement des langues, Théorie pédagogique, Éducation spécialisée, Technologies énergétiques, Ingénierie environnementale, Sciences du climat, Cartographie, Climatologie, Géographie, Géosciences marines, Météorologie, Océanographie, Histoire ancienne, Histoire culturelle, Histoire de l'art, Histoire de la géographie, Histoire de l'histoire, Histoire des mathématiques, Histoire de la philosophie, Histoire des religions, Histoire des sciences, Histoire moderne, Muséologie, Musicologie, Droit administratif, Droit civil, Droit de l'environnement, Égalité des sexes et droit, Droit international, Droit du travail, Histoire du droit, Droit médiatique, Droit public, Neurolinguistique, Psycholinguistique, Journalisme, Théorie littéraire, Littérature mondiale, Algèbre, Analyses, Mathématiques appliquées, Mathématiques informatiques, Géométrie et topologie, Logique, Théorie des nombres, Théorie des probabilités, Statistiques, Stochastique, Sciences cliniques, Sciences de la santé, Immunologie, Neurologie, Oncologie, Psychiatrie et psychologie, Santé publique, Toxicologie, Traumatologie, Esthétique, Philosophie appliquée, Épistémologie, Éthique, Logic, Métaphysique, Philosophie de la science, Philosophie sociale et politique, Physique numérique, Démocratisation comparée, Politique comparée, Processus de conflits, Politique étrangère, Politique de santé, Droits de l'homme, Histoire et politique internationales, Relations internationales, Études législatives, Politique nationale, Communication politique, Économie politique, Méthodologie politique, Réseaux politiques, Organisations et partis politiques, Psychologie politique, Enseignement des sciences politiques, Théorie politique, Politique, Politique et histoire, Politique, littérature et cinéma, Administration publique, Politique publique, Race, appartenance ethnique et politique, Représentation et systèmes électoraux, Science, technologie et politique environnementale, Politique gouvernementale, Politique urbaine, Recherche sur les femmes et la politique, Psychopathologie, Psychologie appliquée, Science du comportement, Psychologie biologique, Psychologie cognitive, Psychologie communautaire, Psychologie du développement, Psychologie différentielle, Psychopédagogie, Émotion, Psychologie évolutionniste, Psychologie expérimentale, Psychologie juridique, Psychologie de la santé, Communication intrapersonnelle, Psychologie judiciaire (psychologie et droit), Psychologie des médias, Neuropsychologie, Psychologie des organisations, Psychologie de la personnalité, Psychologie positive, Psychanalyse, Psychophysique, Psychologie quantitative, Psychologie sociale, Études sur l'enfance et la jeunesse, Études culturelles, Recherche dans les pays en développement, Recherche sur le handicap, Études des inégalités entre les sexes, Géographie humaine, Étude des médias et des communications, Recherche sociale, Théorie sociale, Assistance sociale, Sociobiologie, Sociocybernétique, Sociologie, Tourisme, Études urbaines, Athéisme et humanisme, Religions comparées, Mythologie et folklore, Autres religions
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