
CEA Fundamental Research Division (DRF)

Plusieurs emplacements Palaiseau, France
Grenoble, France
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A propos de l'employeur

About Fundamental Research Division

The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) is dedicated to connecting the worlds of research and industry. It is one of the most prominent players in research and innovation in France and throughout the world.

Through fundamental research in biology, physics and chemistry, the Fundamental Research Division (DRF) strongly contributes to all of CEA research programs in many fields of expertise, from renewable and nuclear energy, to health, climate, lasers, micro and nanotechnology. The research carried out at the Fundamental Research Division will continue to be at the core of the solutions to move past the major challenges of the 21st century.


DRF Institutes:

Localisation de l'employeur

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