Université de Liège

PhD position or post-doc - Faculty of sciences, arlon campus environment

2024-10-10 (Europe/Brussels)
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Position overview

Liege University – ULiege is renowned for its cutting-edge research and innovation. We are looking for a motivated scientist to join our team on an exciting research project that applies scientific innovation to advance health. The ultimate goal is to detect lung cancer non-invasively by analysing patients' breath.

This position is an exciting opportunity to be a key player in the development of innovative research in the service of health.

The candidate will benefit from a dynamic working environment, with stimulating scientific support, state-of-the art research facilities and advanced equipment. The University of Liège offers a comprehensive and innovative training program, which enables early-career scientists to carry out their research in the best possible conditions, in compliance with the European Charter for Researchers.


  • Coordinate lab tasks related to the European project ALCOVE (continuation of https://pathacov-project.com/)
    • Prepare synthetic breath samples and perform chemical analyses using TD-GC-MS
    • Optimize electronic noses developed under  the previous PATHACOV project as well as the sampling system, in collaboration with our technical team
    • Perform devices performance tests on synthetic breath samples
    • Implement the measurement system in clinical environments with our clinical partners
    • Develop a classification algorithm to identify healthy and diseased individuals
    • Write project reports and participate in follow-up meetings


  • Hold a master’s degree or a PhD with a scientific background with particular skills in analytical chemistry (VOC)
  • Knowledge in statistics and multivariate data analysis 
  • Expertise in the domain of chemical sensors and odour is an advantage. 
  • Ability for technical work and for laboratory
  • Comfortable in French and in English (Dutch is a plus)

Application Process?

Interested candidates should submit the following documents: 

  • A detailed CV 

  • A cover letter outlining your motivation and relevant experience 

Please send your application to acromain@uliege.be by October 10th, 2024

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Détails de l'offre

PhD position or post-doc - Faculty of sciences, arlon campus environment
Place du Vingt Août 7 Liège, Belgique
Date limite d'inscription
2024-10-10 23:59 (Europe/Brussels)
2024-10-10 23:59 (CET)
Type de poste
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A propos de l'employeur

L'Université de Liège est pluraliste, poursuivant un objectif d'excellence dans les missions qui sont les siennes : former, chercher, innover.

Visitez la page de l'employeur

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