International University of Sarajevo

Call for part-time/full-time lecturers

2024-12-23 (Europe/Sarajevo)
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The International University of Sarajevo is an English-language teaching institution. The Department of Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences consists of 6 programs: Architecture, Artificial intelligence and Data Engineering, Computer Sciences and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Software Engineering. 

Currently, we are looking to expand the pool of possible collaborators (full-time and part-time at any rank). We seek applicants with Ph.D. degrees from an internationally recognized university and teaching and research interests in any engineering related fields.

Salary and rank are commensurate with experience. All applicants should e-mail a current CV, a cover letter indicating their field of interest, and teaching and research statements to and

We are committed to equal opportunity and merit-based candidate selection. It welcomes applications from all suitably qualified persons. 

The call remains open for 90 days.

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Téléchargez votre CV et pièces jointes*

*En postulant à un emploi répertorié sur Academic Positions, vous acceptez nos conditions générales et notre politique de confidentialité.

En soumettant cette candidature, vous consentez à ce que nous conservions vos données personnelles à des fins liées au service. Nous attachons de l'importance à votre vie privée et traiterons vos informations de manière sécurisée. Si vous souhaitez que vos données soient supprimées, veuillez nous contacter directement.

Détails de l'offre

Call for part-time/full-time lecturers
Hrasnička cesta 15 Ilidža, Bosnie-Herzégovine
Date limite d'inscription
2024-12-23 23:59 (Europe/Sarajevo)
2024-12-23 23:59 (CET)
Type de poste
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A propos de l'employeur

IUS was established in the academic 2004/2005 year by the Foundation for Education Development Sarajevo. It is located in Sarajevo, the capital of ...

Visitez la page de l'employeur

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