ETH Zürich

Scholars at Risk at the Collegium Helveticum

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ETH Zürich is well known for its excellent education, ground-breaking fundamental research and for implementing its results directly into practice.

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Scholars at Risk at the Collegium Helveticum

The Collegium Helveticum is committed to facilitate intellectual exchange and the freedom to think and ask critical questions. Since 2022, it is a member of the international Scholars at Risk network. Its member institutions are devoted to “protecting scholars and the freedom to think, question, and share ideas.”

Do you need to be acknowledged as a scholar at risk? The New York office of the international scholars at risk network assesses your situation and provides documentation that acknowledges you as scholar at risk.

If you are a scholar at risk looking to connect with colleagues in Zurich and are interested in interdisciplinary exchange, feel free to contact Mario Wimmer at

If you are hosted as scholar at risk at one of the Collegium’s supporting institutions, you can also apply as a scholar at risk for a senior fellowship to participate one day per week (with a contribution to your costs of living of CHF 1’000 per month and a budget for organizing a public event of up to CHF 800 per month) in the Collegium’s fellowship program. Please find more information following the link to the senior fellowship program above.

Scholars at risk fellowships at the Collegium Helveticum

With the financial support of the OPO Foundation and the SHG Foundation, starting in 2023, the Collegium will be able to host one fully funded scholars at risk as fellows for up to six months.

Project background

The Collegium Helveticum is committed to intellectual freedom, and the freedom to question and to exchange ideas. The privilege of academic freedom enjoyed by the fellows at the Collegium Helveticum creates a responsibility beyond the local institutional framework. Therefore, the Collegium decided to join both the international and the Swiss Scholars at Risk networks and reach out to artists, scholars, and scientists facing a threat of political persecution.

Job description

The Collegium Helveticum SAR residential fellowships are open to researchers from all disciplines represented at ETH Zurich, University of Zurich (UZH), and the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) who face immediate political threat. If you have contact with a faculty member in your field at one of our three supporting universities, please ask them to write a short letter of support and submit it with your application. The supporting faculty member becomes an associate fellow.

SAR fellows usually are employed as postdoctoral researchers or affiliated as academic guests at ETH Zurich for up to six months. They are free to pursue their individual research as proposed with the application and take part in the Collegium’s artistic and academic program. The duration of the fellowship is contingent available funds as well as on your situation and stage of career. Details of the contract are subject to negotiations.


Scholars at risk may be professors, researchers, or lecturers with a history of employment at an academic institution of higher education facing high levels of direct risk. We ask applicants to provide documentation of their status as scholar at risk by submitting one of the following

  • acknowledgment as scholar at risk by the SAR network
  • acknowledgment as scholar at risk by a Swiss university as part of the SNSF actions to support scholars at risk
  • statement of your situation with supporting documentation of an immediate threat

In addition, the Collegium Helveticum would be an ideal environment if

  • you seek to benefit from and contribute to a vibrant community fostering interdisciplinary exchange 
  • your research transgresses disciplinary boundaries

We offer

SAR fellows are provided with a desk, access to IT and library infrastructure as well as a computer, if required. Associate fellows may agree to integrate fellows into their group part-time and provide infrastructure for their research. Since the Collegium cannot provide laboratory infrastructure or studio space, SAR fellows can arrange to use up to 40% of their time to do work outside of the Semper Observatory if this is essential for the proposed project or furthers their skills in important ways. Usually, such arrangements would be made in close cooperation with the associate fellow and require approval by the Collegium’s directorate. The Collegium Helveticum cannot provide housing for its SAR fellows but may be able to provide access to ETH housing at the fellow’s expense. 

Working, teaching and research at ETH Zurich

We value diversity

In line with our values, ETH Zurich encourages an inclusive culture. We promote equality of opportunity, value diversity and nurture a working and learning environment in which the rights and dignity of all our staff and students are respected. Visit our Equal Opportunities and Diversity website to find out how we ensure a fair and open environment that allows everyone to grow and flourish.

Curious? So are we.

We look forward to receiving your online application including the following documents:

  • Description of the research you would like to pursue during your fellowship and why this fits the interdisciplinary environment of the Collegium Helveticum (2-3 pp)
  • Documentation of your status as scholar at risk
  • Curriculum vitae including full list of publications and other relevant output
  • Copy of passport or ID
  • Copy of visa (if applicable)
  • Copy of PhD certificate
  • Associate fellow’s letter of support (if available)

The call remains open until positions are filled.

Please note that we exclusively accept applications submitted through our online application portal. Applications via email or postal services will not be considered.

Further information about Collegium Helveticum can be found on our website. For questions regarding the position please contact Mario Wimmer (

About ETH Zürich

ETH Zurich is one of the world’s leading universities specialising in science and technology. We are renowned for our excellent education, cutting-edge fundamental research and direct transfer of new knowledge into society. Over 30,000 people from more than 120 countries find our university to be a place that promotes independent thinking and an environment that inspires excellence. Located in the heart of Europe, yet forging connections all over the world, we work together to develop solutions for the global challenges of today and tomorrow.

Détails de l'offre

Scholars at Risk at the Collegium Helveticum
Rämistrasse 101 Zurich, Suisse
Date limite d'inscription
Type de poste
Politique, , Économie agricole, , Agronomie, , Science animale, , Aquaculture, et 302 supplémentaires Science agronomique, Science de l'environnement, Science alimentaire, Sylviculture, Horticulture, Fertilisation des plantes, nutrition humaine et animale, Protection des plantes et santé animale, Science du sol, Gestion des déchets, Science de l'eau, Comptabilité, Économie comportementale, Administration des affaires, Économie d'entreprise, Éthique commerciale, Économie numérique, Économie de la consommation, Controlling, Finance d'entreprise, Économie du développement, Économétrie, Géographie économique, Histoire économique, Psychologie économique, Sociologie économique, Économie énergétique, Entrepreneuriat, Économie environnementale, Finances, Économie financière, Économie alimentaire, Théorie des jeux, Économie de la santé, Théorie du développement humain, Gestion des ressources humaines, Économie industrielle, Systèmes d'information, Études comparatives du travail et aspects internationaux, Économie internationale, Économie du travail, Logistique, Macroéconomie, Gestion, Fabrication, Marketing, Économie mathématique, Microéconomie, Économie des organisations, Développement de la production, Gestion de projet, Économie publique, Économie immobilière, Économie des ressources, Gestion du risque, Socioéconomie, Gestion stratégique, Gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, Économie du tourisme, Économie du transport, Économie du bien-être, Études sur l'enfance et la jeunesse, Criminologie, Études culturelles, Recherche dans les pays en développement, Recherche sur le handicap, Études des inégalités entre les sexes, Géographie humaine, Étude des médias et des communications, Recherche sociale, Stratification sociale, Théorie sociale, Assistance sociale, Sociobiologie, Sociocybernétique, Sociologie, Sciences du sport, Tourisme, Études urbaines, Démocratisation comparée, Politique comparée, Processus de conflits, Fédéralisme et relations intergouvernementales, Politique étrangère, Bases de la théorie politique, Politique de santé, Droits de l'homme, Politique et technologie de l'information, Histoire et politique internationales, Relations internationales, Sécurité internationale et maîtrise des armements, Études législatives, Politique nationale, Communication politique, Économie politique, Méthodologie politique, Réseaux politiques, Organisations et partis politiques, Psychologie politique, Enseignement des sciences politiques, Théorie politique, Politique et histoire, Politique, littérature et cinéma, Administration publique, Politique publique, Race, appartenance ethnique et politique, Représentation et systèmes électoraux, Science, technologie et politique environnementale, Politique gouvernementale, Politique urbaine, Recherche sur les femmes et la politique, Sciences du climat, Biogéographie, Cartographie, Climatologie, Géochimie, Géodésie et arpentage, Géographie, Géoinformatique (SIG), Géologie, Géomicrobiologie, Géomorphologie, Géostatistiques, Hydrogéologie, Hydrologie, Géosciences marines, Météorologie, Minéralogie, Océanographie, Paléoclimatologie, Paléontologie, Pétrologie, Télédétection, Sismologie, Volcanologie, Biologie animale, Bioinformatique, Biostatistique, Biotechnologie, Botanique et science végétale, Recherche en cancérologie, Biologie cellulaire, Chronobiologie, Biologie computationnelle, Biologie du développement, Écologie, Entomologie, Biologie évolutionniste, Génétique, Histologie, Biologie humaine, Limnologie, Biologie marine, Microbiologie, Biologie moléculaire, Mycologie, Nanobiologie, Neuroscience, Paléobiologie, Parasitologie, Physiologie, Biologie structurale, Systématique (taxonomie), Biologie systémique, Virologie, Zoologie, Chimie analytique, Chimie atmosphérique, Biochimie, Catalyse, Biologie chimique, Thermodynamique chimique, Chémoinformatique, Chimie informatique, Électrochimie, Chimie de l'environnement, Immunochimie, Chimie inorganique, Chimie des matériaux, Chimie mathématique, Chimie médicinale, Chimie moléculaire, Nanobiochimie, Nanochimie, Nanotechnologie, Chimie nucléaire, Chimie organique, Chimie organométallique, Pétrochimie, Photochimie, Chimie physique, Phytochimie, Chimie des polymères, Radiochimie, Chimie de l'état solide, Spectroscopie, Chimie de surface, Chimie de synthèse, Chimie théorique, Thermochimie, Physiques des accélérateurs, Acoustique, Physique appliquée, Physique atomique, moléculaire et optique, Biophysique, Physico-chimie, Physique numérique, Physique de la matière condensée, Cryogénie, Électromagnétisme, Physique expérimentale, Dynamique des fluides, Mécanique des fluides, Géophysique, Physique des lasers, Physique des matériaux, Physique mathématique, Physique médicale, Physique moléculaire, Physique nucléaire, Optique, Physique des particules, Photonique, Physique des plasmas, Physique quantique, Solid-state Physics, Physique théorique, Thermodynamique, Dynamique du véhicule, Algèbre, Analyses, Mathématiques appliquées, Mathématiques informatiques, Géométrie et topologie, Logique, Théorie des nombres, Théorie des probabilités, Statistiques, Stochastique, Génie acoustique, Génie aéronautique, Génie aérospatial, Génie agricole, Ingénierie des systèmes audio, Ingénierie automobile, Ingénierie des systèmes automobiles, Bioingénierie, Génie biomédical, Génie des biosystèmes, Génie chimique, Génie civil, Ingénierie des communications, L'ingénierie numérique, Ingénierie informatique, Ingénierie des systèmes de commande, Génie écologique, Génie électrique, Électronique, Technologies énergétiques, Formation en ingénierie, Génie physique, Ingénierie environnementale, Génie de la sécurité incendie, Ingénierie géotechnique, Hydraulique, Traitement d'images, Génie industriel, Ingénierie d'instrumentation, Ingénierie de production, Génie maritime, Génie des matériaux, Génie mécanique, Mécanique, Mécatronique, Génie militaire, Génie minier, Ingénierie nucléaire, Génie optique, Génie pétrolier, Génie de l'assurance qualité, Ingénierie ferroviaire, Énergie renouvelable, Robotique, Ingénierie de la sécurité, Traitement du signal, Génie structurel, Ingénierie des systèmes, Gestion de la technologie, Ingénierie des télécommunications, Ingénierie des transports, Architecture, Design de communication, Histoire du design, Design de mode, Design graphique, Design industriel, Aménagement intérieur, Architecture paysagère, Conception des produits, Conception logicielle, Planification spatiale, Design textile, Design urbain
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ETH Zürich is well known for its excellent education, ground-breaking fundamental research and for implementing its results directly into practice.

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