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The Research Center for Energy Networks (Forschungsstelle Energienetze – FEN) of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETHZ) acts as a bridge between academic research, industrial needs and social issues related to energy policy, shaping the transition to a more sustainable, reliable and cost effective future energy system, by providing utilities, grid operators, industrial associations, and federal institutions with a technology-neutral and independent quantitative analysis.
Within the context of the RECIPE consortium, funded by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) in the framework of the SWEET Call 1-2023 Critical Infrastructures, Climate Change, and Resilience of the Swiss Energy System, a postdoctoral researcher will be hired. The researcher will be working closely with senior researchers at FEN and with the members of the RECIPE consortium and the industrial collaboration partners towards the objectives of the consortium.
RECIPE studies the risks, associated with the energy transition and climate change, that Switzerland can be exposed to in the coming 25-30 years. A set of hazards against which the Swiss energy infrastructure can be vulnerable will be identified by engaging a transdisciplinary team of experts. Hazard scenarios and vulnerability storylines will be articulated. The criticality of each energy infrastructure type will be estimated per hazard and per considered energy system evolution and climate change scenario. Criticality will be measured in terms of the impact on the Swiss economy, society, vital resources, and ecosystem. For the identified risks and vulnerabilities, appropriate resilience enhancement measures will be proposed by the consortium. Considered measures will include (i) adding new or maintaining existing energy infrastructure, (ii) new operational, asset management or monitoring processes allowing to properly and timely react to hazardous events, and (iii) non-technical measures, such as devising targeted policies or enhancing the resilience of the Swiss economy to energy disruptions. Finally, RECIPE will ensure that specific actionable recommendations to stakeholders will be produced based on all the project analyses and findings.
You will perform independent self-driven research towards the development of a “modelling suite”, as per RECIPE’s WP2 objective. The RECIPE modelling suite shall allow (i) to model the various ways through which a hazard can propagate throughout the energy system, at different time- (from second or minute to days or seasons) and spatial (continental, country, local) scales, as well as across infrastructures (electricity, gas, communication), and (ii) to identify and quantify the technical solutions (operational / software processes or infrastructure investments) that can mitigate the hazard propagation or allow for a quick system recovery.
You will work in close collaboration with researchers at FEN, using and expanding quantitative analysis modelling and optimization tools developed by FEN researchers. In addition, you will collaborate with researchers from other groups with different scientific background (ICT, machine learning, reliability engineering, economics, environment) as an active actor in the transdisciplinary research performed in RECIPE. In addition to the development of appropriate modelling and optimization tools, your work will include collecting data and relevant information, contributing in the project directions and modelling needs and presenting results. Finally, you will be expected to lead the writing of reports and scientific papers resulting from the project work.
We look forward to receiving your online application with the following documents:
Please note that we exclusively accept applications submitted through our online application portal. Applications via email or postal services will not be considered.
Further information about Research Center for Energy Networks and can be found on our websites. Questions regarding the position should be directed to Dr. Turhan Demiray, the Director of the Research Center for Energy Networks (FEN) via e-mail: demirayt@ethz.ch (no applications).
ETH Zürich is well known for its excellent education, ground-breaking fundamental research and for implementing its results directly into practice.
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